“Explode Your Opt-In List For Huge Profits”
By BlogMasterB © 2005 All Rights Reserved
The most profitable products that you can
sell on the internet are Information Products.
Instantly downloadable eBooks are by far the
most lucrative items ever.
Any business that you are marketing on the
internet can incorporate an eBook promotion
and drive sales through the roof and explode
Your Opt-In list.
MLM marketers in particular, would see huge
improvements in their sales and list building
efforts by using eBooks. Why? Because the main
reason people don’t jump at their seemingly
easy money plans, is because they just can’t
develop a mental picture of how it works.
MLM schemes are often to complicated for the
average person to fathom after hearing or
reading only a few words in a sales pitch or
email message.
If the MLM’er offered a free eBook by email
attachment, that gave the prospect a more
detailed explaination of the plan’s structure,
he would get their name, email address and
eliminate the prospects’ reason for stalling.
eBooks cost next to nothing to create and
copy. The prospective customer can get it
INSTANTLY by email for free. The marketer
adds to his Opt-In list and sells more to a
customer who has a better understanding of
the offer.
This concept applies to any business. People
like to get things for free, and they certainly
won’t buy into something they don’t understand.
If you can’t write and/or don’t have the software
to create eBooks, there are writers out there
who will write it for you for less than a couple
hundred bucks. I know, I’m one of them. If you
just need to be pointed in the right direction,
we offer our Newsletter Subscribers a FREE mini
eCourse when they sign up on our blog called:
“How To Write Your Own eBook In Just 5 Days”.
With the success all the eBook marketers are
having, one would think more people in other
types of businesses would have caught on by now.
By BlogMasterB © 2005 All Rights Reserved
Our Blog: http://eauthorresources.blogspot.com/
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