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Monday, September 24, 2007

Free Search Engine Traffic


Today’s Business Tips Article
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Free Search Engine Traffic

If you would like to make money selling e-books, you must first
create yourself an e-book. After your e-book has been created,
you will then need to sell it. Many e-book authors, when
selling their creations, use an e-book sales page. An e-book
sales page is a page that outlines the e-book available for
sale, as well as its price. Although an e-book sales page is a
great way to advertise your e-book it won’t help you get sales
alone. You also need traffic. If your e-book sale page isn’t
seen, no one will know that you have an e-book available for

When it comes to generating traffic, to your e-book sales page,
you have a number of different options. For the best success,
you are urged to take an “organic,” approach. An organic
approach is one that is considered all natural, versus ones that
are forced or made up. An example of a non-organic marketing
approach is participating in a pay-per-click program. One of
the most popular types of organic internet marketing approaches
involves the use of articles, namely distributing them to
article directories. The use of an organic traffic increasing
tactic, like the use of articles, will not only help to increase
your traffic, but it will also keep you, your e-book, or your
business name in good standing. This is important because many
online sellers have started turning to back-hand marketing


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As it was mentioned above, the best ways to use articles to
generate organic traffic is by distributing them to article
directories. Article directories are websites that host a large
collection of articles. In exchange for allowing an article
directory to display your article on their site free of charge,
you will be rewarded with a link. That link is often referred to
as a back-link. If properly set up, readers who find your
articles in article directories will be able to make it to your
website. If you choose the right link, they can be directed
right to your e-book sales page! Essentially, this means that
you will not only increase your website traffic, but you may
also increase your e-book sales.

Although your best bet is to create articles and distribute them
to article directories, you may also want to think about
including content, or articles, on your own website. Whether
you have a whole e-book sales site or even just one simple web
page, you can get a large amount of traffic from internet search
engines, but only if your site is optimized for them. Search
engine optimization, which is often referred to as SEO,
encompasses a number of different things, but you may want to
focus on content, as it is one of the easiest methods. You will
want to have content on your website; content that search
engines will pick up.


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When writing articles, whether you plan on using them for your
own e-book sales page or article directories, you are urged to
examine programs that are known as keyword research tools.
Keyword research tool programs allow you to determine what
keywords or keyword phrases internet users are searching with.
If any of these keywords apply to the subject of your e-book,
you are urged to use them. Using applicable keywords or keyword
phrases will not only generate organic traffic, but it may also
help to increase your sales, by brining in customers who are
interested in what you have to sell.

In short, articles, whether they are displayed on your own
e-books sales page or distributed to article directories, can
help you generate organic traffic. As previously mentioned,
organic traffic is more likely to result in a high number of
e-book sales. Organic traffic is all natural; therefore,
website visitors actually want to come to your e-book sales
page, not just because they are being paid to do so.

Articles are a relatively easy, fun, and creative way to
increase your e-book sales site traffic and maybe even your


eAuthorResources NewsLetter © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Subscribers are welcome to re-print our articles
as long as they remain unchanged, with active
links and the following resource box attached.

Mark Sandquist is the Editor of eAuthorResources
NewsLetter. provides
FREE Help and FREE Marketing Software for eBook
Authors, Software Developers and their Affiliates
and Resellers.

Quote Of The Day:

If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade,
plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.
- Chinese proverb


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Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Writing Copy For The Internet


Today’s Business Tips Article
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Writing Copy For The Internet

Although many people seem to think that writing
effective copy for the internet is easy, it isn’t.
So if you want to ensure that your readers and your
customers understand how your website works and
what it can do for them, you need to produce good
copywriting for it.

In this book, we will look at the basics of producing
good copywriting for the internet. Now, before we
start there are a number of things that you should
keep in mind.

First, people do not read a website in the same
way that they would read printed material. In fact,
there are three characteristics which affect how a
internet user will react to the online content of a

It is important to remember that internet users are
active, not passive. So if they can not find a reason
for staying on a site, then they will leave it.

Sometimes a person will leave 15 seconds after they
have actually gotten there. So, if your text is too
long, then they are less likely to read it. So if you
want a internet user to believe what you have to say,
you must be able to back up the hype.

In order for any internet copy to be effective, it
must take into account the characteristics mentioned

What is most important of all when looking at
copywriting for the internet, is not to underestimate
the importance of the basics. If you just jump straight
into it you may find yourself in trouble, and find your
website not as effective as you need it to be.


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Why Writing Copy for the Internet is Different

One of the most important reasons as to why
copywriting for the internet is different is that the
mindset of those who are going to be reading is

More often than not, most internet pages will be found
via a search engine. This is very significant, as it
means that the person reading your site has been
looking either for you or someone like you. So that
puts them in control. This is because they will be
focused on finding a particular product, service or
piece of information.

So anyone visiting your site for the first time and
has found it via a search engine will have a few
questions in mind.

“Have I come to the right place?” also “Will I find
what I’m looking for at this page or site?” Finally,
they would be asking themselves “Do I feel able that I
can complete the task at this point?”

So what is vital is that you answer these questions
in both your headline, and any sub-headlines you may
have. It needs to be able to secure a response from
this first time visitor immediately.

In order for this to happen, your writing needs to
provide answers so that the visitor knows exactly what
they are looking for.

What is important when writing any copy for the
internet is that you reassure any visitors that they
are in the right place, and that they should continue
to read on.

Carefully Managing Your Traffic

If you fail to plan, then you are likely to fail in
your endeavor of producing great copy. If you wish to
achieve your goals, it is important to gather all the

First, you should anticipate the users’ of your sites
questions. Normally, there are four questions that a
user will have that will need to be answered.

1. What am I doing here?
2. How do I do it?
3. What is in it for me?
4. Where do I go from here?

So, if your site’s design and navigation can not
provide an obvious answer to these questions then, you
need to look at using copy in order to explain them.
It is important that the answers to these questions
should be obvious to all your users, and not just
those visiting your site for the first time. What is
important to remember is that half the visitors to a
site will not bother to try working things out for
themselves, and the other half may not even succeed.

Next, when planning, focus on your core audience.
Remember, you will not be able to reach everyone, so
make sure that the copy you produce addresses your
site’s most important visitors directly. So, spend
time explaining what the site can do for them in
particular. If you want to make it more effective,
then do not use words which would only be looked at
by people you do not need.

However, if you are targeting more than one type of
visitor to your site, then make sure that you can
direct them to different pages. What you should
remember is that a visitor will go somewhere else if
they do not feel your site has something of value to
offer to them in particular.

So, when providing them with facts, let the facts speak
for themselves. It is important that you make your
descriptions compelling, although not excessive. Many
visitors to sites will skip a site if they feel it is
too full of hype (just bear in mind that some hype
will almost certainly be necessary in order to excite
your visitor).


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Viral Library Online Marketing

Everything you wanted to know about success online
marketing but didn't know where to look.

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Plan For Success, To Acheive Success

It is vital that during the planning stage of your
copywriting for the internet, you understand what it
is, exactly, you hope to accomplish.

You have already determined that you need to increase
direct sales, build a subscriber base, circulate
information, as well as provide technical support.
But in order to do this, you must make sure that your
internet copy can help you to achieve these goals.

It is important to decide who your ideal customer is
and just what it is that they really want. Then find
and craft the words that will most effectively bring
these people to your site.

It is also important to remember that without a
detailed plan, it will become impossible to know who
you are targeting.

Without a target, you are likely to miss out on those
people who are willing and eager to pay for your help
and expertise.

So when planning your internet copy, it is important
to know that your target audience is normally smarter
and more knowledgeable than the typical visitor to a

Now that you have started planning, you need to start
looking at whom to target.

Targeting is used to figure out which customers will
have the problems that can be solved by using your
particular product or service.

It is therefore vital that you become an expert in
relation to every single benefit that your product
offers. Then, once you are able to determine who you
need to target, you can begin to search them out. So
start building a profile of those people who will
benefit from your help the most. Once you know who
they are, then begin by repeatedly using strong
internet copy, and the most magnetic of the benefits
your product can offer as bait.

At last, you have found your target audience, and now
you must develop a strategy for writing your copy. In
order to do this, the best way is to do the following:

1. In the first part, write about what exactly the
customer wants.

2. The tone in how your writing sounds to those that
you are targeting. The attitude that you’re projecting
through your words.

3. When executing your copy it is important that you
are able to present your ideas to them in an easy to
understand way.

What is most important is that you think about all
three of these things in equal amounts, and do not
allow any one of them to overshadow the others.


eAuthorResources NewsLetter © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Subscribers are welcome to re-print our articles
as long as they remain unchanged, with active
links and the following resource box attached.

Mark Sandquist is the Editor of eAuthorResources
NewsLetter. provides
FREE Help and FREE Marketing Software for eBook
Authors, Software Developers and their Affiliates
and Resellers.
Quote Of The Day:

People forget how fast you did a job - but they
remember how well you did it. - Howard Newton


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Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

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