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Friday, June 22, 2007

Blog Tools & Resources And Updating Your Blog Often


Today’s Business Tips Article
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Blog Tools & Resources And Updating Your Blog Often

What does it take to be successful as a blogger? Aside from
the patience and diligence that it takes to maintain your
upkeep – to keep new information on your blog – it also
takes some sort of consideration as to how you will improve
your blog in the future to stay ahead of the competition.

In this section, I will provide some recommended blogging
tools & resources you can use to stay ahead in terms of
both innovation and optimization techniques.

The first item on this list of recommended blogging tools &
resources is SEO Radio. While this tool isn't specifically
for blogs, it is an excellent resource from search engine
optimization expert Brad Fallon that will help you
understand how to optimize your blog for search engines.
You can find out more at

The second item on this list of recommended blogging tools
& resources is CARP (, which
is not specifically for blogs, but can be used in
conjunction with blogs to provide RSS feeds, which will
increase your search engine rankings and provide visitors
with useful links.

Another item from this list of recommended blogging tools &
resources you can use to keep abreast with your competitors
is Google's blog search (,
which will allow you to find all of your competitors, so
you can analyze their traffic generation methods. You will
also want to see what new ideas they have implemented for
retaining visitors.


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Another resource you will want to consider from this list
of recommended blogging tools & resources is which offers a list of blogging
directories and RSS directories to which you can submit your
blog. You will also want to check out
and for marketing and optimization

The last items you will want to consider on this list of
recommended blogging tools & resources lists are actually
blogging programs themselves. If you already own a site and
want to integrate a blog, you should consider using a more
complex, fully-functional program, such as Word Press
(which you can use for free), rather than something like
Blogger, which is easy to use, but will not offer a lot of
frills. You can download Word Press here:

Updating Your Blog Often

What is the importance of updating your blog often? Some
might see no value in it; and might instead create multiple
blogs, each of which they attend to for only minutes each
week. Other blog owners see the importance of updating your
blog often—and will spend 3-4 hours each day updating their
blogs with news and ideas.

From both a technical marketing viewpoint and a social
marketing viewpoint, updating your blog often is one of the
best ways to maintain a constant stream of traffic.

From a technical viewpoint, new and unique content makes
your blog look better to search engine spiders; this, in
turn, gets your blog ranked higher. Additionally, from a
technical viewpoint, updating your blog more frequently
will allow you to get pings accepted more frequently, which
means your blog will spend more time on the front page of
blog directories.


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The importance of updating your blog often also comes into
play if you wish to integrate extensive social marketing
into your overall blog marketing plan. Most people don't
realize this, but marketing is often all about the human

You don't need to be a technical wizard if you forget
about profit's for a few minutes and instead concentrate on
making human connections with other blog owners who share
similar interests. One of the best ways to achieve this is
by keeping an updated blog, which will give other bloggers
the incentive to drop by each day, post new comments on
your blog, and refer their own blog readers to your blog.
The importance of updating your blog often is crucial.

And there you have it: the importance of updating your blog
often is paramount to success. Whether your goal is to use
your blog for social marketing or technical marketing, you
will have to update it often with unique and interesting
content if you want to build an atmosphere that encourages
return visits.


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Subscribers are welcome to re-print our articles
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Mark Sandquist is the Editor of eAuthorResources
NewsLetter. provides
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Authors, Software Developers and their Affiliates
and Resellers.
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Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Blog Popularity And Your Blogging Profit Plan

In recent studies by the American Life Project and The
Guardian (UK), researchers asked whether or not the
popularity of blogs today was growing in the two
countries; and if so, why? The results on the
popularity of blogs today were not exactly what most
members of the blogosphere might expect.

Researchers working on the American Life Project found
that the popularity of blogs today in terms of
readerships in the United States was absolutely
exploding; however, they also found that the amount of
blogs available was increasing slower in comparison. In
the last six months of 2004, for instance, blog readers
grew from a mere 17% of the population to a robust
37%--a significant increase. However, blog writers
only increased from 5% and 7%; and largely maintained
their homogeneous composition, which is predominantly
male, young, and wealthy. The ALP attributed this
explosion in readerships to the Presidential race,
where both candidates employed blogging in some form
to attract campaign donors.

The Guardian, which performed their study more
recently, also found similar results in the United
Kingdom on the popularity of blogs today. While they
also found that readerships had increased
dramatically, they did not find the same issue of slow
blog growth; however, they did find out that a fairly
astonishing 30% of frequent Internet users had never
even heard of a blog.

So, in which direction is the popularity of blogs
today moving?--To greater profusion or to obscurity?

Given that blogs are the best intermediary between
websites and forums, it is hard to imagine that they
will decrease in popularity; conversely, however, it
isn't hard to imagine that they will improve
significantly in continuation with how they have
changed since their inception in the mid-1990s.

In the short term, it is fairly safe to imagine that
larger blogs will experiment with video technology
while older blogs stick with easy, faster-loading
models. It is also fairly safe to assume that blog
indexing methods will continue to improve and may even
break away from the traditional algorithm method.

Planning Your Blogging Profit Plan

Planning your blogging profit plan is crucial part of
the construction of any monetized blog. But what does
it usually involve? Generally, planning your blogging
profit plan consists of two things: working on a
traffic generation plan and improving conversion

When planning your blogging profit plan, you may want
to work on the conversion side first. If you begin
sending traffic to your blog before it is monetized
properly, your conversion rates could be too low to
earn a significant return on your investment; this is
especially true if you are paying for traffic from
pay-per-click sources, such as Adwords.

One important thing you must consider when planning
your blogging profit plan is how you can improve the
quality of your copywriting. If you do not feel that
you have the expertise or writing skills to convince
someone to buy your product, you may want to hire
someone to write your salespage for you.

With the recent boom in freelancing markets, you
should be able to find a talented copywriter on or for a relatively low price per
word or page. If your copy is bad, your conversion
rate will also be bad, which means you are wasting

Additionally, you should consider including
pre-selling tactics while planning your blog profit
plan. You may want to include such pre-selling methods
as giveaways, cash prizes, or some other form of
interaction for visitors.

The other important thing to consider while planning
your blog profit plan is your traffic generation
methods. No matter what the topic of your blog, you
generally have five basic traffic generation methods:
pay-per-click programs, which allow you to pay for
targeted traffic; natural search engine traffic, which
you can build by optimizing onpage and offpage factors;
link-based traffic, which you can build by purchasing
links from link brokers; list marketing traffic, which
you can build by purchasing solo ads from list-owners;
and repeat traffic, which you can build by giving
visitors a reason to return and by persuading them to
bookmark your site.

All things being equal, you must concentrate on
traffic generation and conversion rates while planning
your blogging profit plan.

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