Blog In a Box !
By BlogMasterB © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Are you confused yet?
What is this “blog” thingy everyone is
talking about?
Have the “techies” just come up with another
“made up” word for some computer routine
again, to make the rest of us look stupid? Do
they get some morbid joy in the sight of
normally, reasonably intelligent people
listening to them talk about it, in obvious
It’s really very simple actually. “Blog” is short
for “Web log”. Also sometimes called a “Forum”
or “Traffic Circle Site”. It’s nothing more than
a highly specialized website that visitors can
log onto, and give their 2 cents worth, on
an article or thread that interests them.
The appeal that blogs have to internet marketers
recently is that they are highly search engine
friendly. This is due to the very specific nature
of the content found in a blog. It also helps that
the people who want to contribute to the
discussions, have to become members, and
“log in” with their “username” and “eMail
address”. A marketers dream!
The amount of blogs entering cyberspace
in the last couple of years is staggering.
Some say that they may “Take Over The
Internet” and become more widely used than
major search engines. The basis for that school
of thought is that rather than have to search
through many pages of listings on a search engine,
surfers can just enter a “topic” and the word
“blog” and “voila”! Out pops a list of highly
condensed content on their topic, on just a few
Most “Blog Hosts” provide a very easy to use
“GUI”. (an old “techie” term that we should all
know by now) There is a neat little software
product on the market that makes it even easier
for a “newbie” (means “internet newcomer”) to
get into “blogging”. It’s called “Blog In A Box”.
You can have a Blog up and running from start
to finish in about 10 minutes. I should know, I used
it to build a blog, in about 10 minutes.
Currently selling for $37 from various online
dealers for Instant Download, “Blog In A Box” is
priced just right for anyone just starting out on
the internet with no code knowledge or capital.

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