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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Free Ways To Explode Your Website Traffic Instantly

Every Internet marketer with a website needs to generatetraffic because without traffic it is impossible to sellanything. A website without traffic is likened to someonehaving a shop opened in the middle of no where – desert,jungle, what are the chances of people bumping into yourshop and buying something from you?

It is important that you can drive traffic to yourwebsite, and there are many ways to do it. Some of them:

1. Start an affiliate program.

Starting an affiliate program is one of the greatest waysto get high quality traffic to your website. Almost everysuccessful business online has got an affiliate program.Even for joint ventures, an affiliate program is importantso that your partners can eventually sell your things andearn higher commissions as well. Having an affiliateprogram is crucial to successfully generate high qualitytraffic to your website.

2. Build an opt-in list.

“The gold is in the list,” every single top Internetmarketer in the world should know that a subscriber listis more important than anything else. With an opt-in listyou can get massive high-quality traffic to any websiteinstantly.

Nevertheless, that is not the main point. Having a hugesubscriber list allows you to generate mountainous incomeby selling multiple times to the same customers over andover again. When you need money, all you have to do isfind a quality product and endorse it to your subscribers.

3. Writing articles.

Submitting your own articles to article directories hasbeen proven time and again to generate steady, long termtraffic to one’s website. Another way to take advantage ofyour articles is by collecting a list of e-zinepublishers and submit your articles to them.

4. Reciprocal Linking.

Exchanging links with websites can generate heavy trafficto your website. You can either request for the exchangeof links the traditional way by e-mailing the owner of awebsite; or head to and save muchmore effort and time.

5. Viral marketing.

You can create an e-book, or report in a PDF file and giveit away to marketers with large subscriber lists. Ifpossible, allow people to brand the e-book with theiraffiliate links and sponsor names. However, you still needto include your website’s link and make sure that peoplewill notice it, and visit your website. This can bring insteady and huge traffic to your website for a long term.

6. Participating in forums.

You can generate traffic from forums by including a signature file while posting. Of course, you need to try and attract people to your website as much as you can, and offering a bonus helps boost the response.

7. Write testimonials.

Write testimonials for products that you personally liked and used, then submit them to the owner/founder. If you’re lucky, it will be published on a sales letter which pulls tons of visitors every day and get free traffic through people who are interested with your testimonial.


Mark Sandquist is the Editor of eAuthorResources NewsLetter. provides FREE Help and FREE
Marketing Software for eBook Authors, Software Developers and their
Affiliates and Resellers.

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