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Friday, April 27, 2007

Who is... The Grand Master Of List Building?...

I want to be absolutely sure that you've heard about this breakthrough program one of my favorite expert friends has made available. (see the P.S. below)

- it's *the* definitive guide to building lists

- it's *the* definitive guide to profiting from lists

- it's *the* definitive guide to automating your business so that building and profiting from your lists become a 365/24/7 auto-pilot system.

Visit the information page and you'll see why this fellow is the "go-to-guy" for internet business building and respected by so many (including myself). There's no squeeze page... you don't have to signup to a list just to see what this is all about. (I've grown tired of those, how about you?)

This is not some old rehashed info thrown together by a ghostwriter. And this is the full and complete course, not just a "come-on" to upsell you a bigger and more expensive list building course.

In short... this is the real deal stuff. I've followed him and his advice, so I can personally attest to the wealth of knowledge and experience you're about to receive.

Go to that page now and if the page doesn't load the first time, try again (there's a lot of people visiting this site).

Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

PS - I would only give you such a glowing endorsement, such as this, based on my own personal experience with him. I hope you will also experience the benefits I've received from this man and his expertise.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Do you recommend things that you've never seen...?

There is a new ebook dominating clickbank right now. It's Called "Get Google Ads Free". You'll find the link to the website for it on the right hand side of this blog under the heading "NEWS, TOOLS & eBOOKS".

As I've mentioned before, we are on pretty much all well known marketers' lists, and then some. Last week, about 25% of those marketers were promoting their affiliate links for the "Get Google Ads Free" ebook to their lists. So what! Right?

Well, this morning, about half of them sent out retractions of their endorsements of this product. Apparently, these experienced marketers were surprised that Google actually doesn't give away their ads for free. Imagine that!

I'm sorry but, when I read the sales page, I didn't actually believe that this ebook was going to teach me how to convince Google to hand me PPC ad space without paying them. I was given the impression that the author had developed some sort of system or process that would allow me to get PPC advertising without spending "my own" money. Like when most offline businesses are started, the founder uses "investors", ie. "other peoples' money" as the seed capital. That's how all those "nothing down" real estate deals work too. It's all about "creative financing". It's about getting money from places other than "your own pocket" to fund your purchases.

Now, that being said, these marketers sent out their retractions because they were afraid of losing credibility in recommending a product that was "misleading". Gimme a fricken break!

These are the same guys that continually promote products that promise to "EXPLODE YOUR PROFITS!". When was the last time your money left over after business expenses actually blew up and sent shrapnel flying in all directions, after buying one of these products?

I'll tell you why these retractions came out this morning. Because these supposedly reputable marketers recommended this product to their subscribers (who trust them) without buying, reading or getting a first hand review of the ebook first!


How the heck can someone recommend something they've never seen or, gotten a first hand review from someone whose opinion they can depend on? Someone who can answer their questions regarding specific details about the product, before they can offer an informed recommendation to their own impressionable subscribers.

If you ask me, I'd say they lost even more credibility with the retractions than the "commission greedy", unqualified recommendations in the first place. Why? Because they not only revealed that they didn't even understand what the ebook teaches before recommending it but, that they also would not have endorsed the product if they did know what it was all about. That could have been disasterous! It's a good thing that there is really nothing wrong with this product or how it is marketed and, the only thing those subscribers lost was confidence in their mentors. Your subscribers (if you are proclaiming to be an internet marketing expert and coach) depend on you to provide"qualified" information for them to learn from.

If you don't learn this anywhere else, learn this now, right here. "Don't recommend anything to anyone, if you have no idea what it is". Pretty simple. Imagine that. In this business, your credibility is everything.

The only caveat I could offer, with this product, which I think is pretty obvious, is that if you don't use PPC advertising and have no plans to, you're not really the target market for this. However, this system could be used as a business model in itself, even if you have no interest in using PPC to market your existing business. In fact, I approached a few of my local offline newspapers with an idea similar to this years ago. I was turned down because I would be using "their" pages.

Well, with the internet, you use your own pages. "I" stand by "my" original endorsement. I still say, " It's brilliant"!

Obviously, by now you have probably guessed that not only do I recommend this product, I also bought it. I've also developed a software application and assembled a collection of tools and resources for use with this system. Anyone who uses our affiliate link to buy "Get Google Ads Free" will also get a bonus package containing these tools and resources sent to their clickbank email address.

If you already purchased through our link and have not received your bonus pack email notice yet, it is because your email has bounced or been spam filtered. You can copy & paste your receipt into a support ticket at: for immediate delivery.

Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

P.S. If you know someone who feels that they were duped into buying "Get Google Ads Free" by one of those "unqualified recommendations", you should remind them that Clickbank has a 60 day refund policy.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Search Engine Optimization And Why You Should Use It


Today’s Business Tips Article
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Search Engine Optimization And Why You Should Use It

E-commerce is a cut throat business. You have to arm
yourself with the proper know-how and the tools to
make your site a cut above the rest. Each day, more
and more sites are clambering to optimize their
rankings in websites and if you lose your guard, you
may just get trampled on and be left in the abyss
filled with so many failed e-commerce sites.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a term widely
used today by many e-commerce sites. For the past few
years and the next ten years or so, search engines
would be the most widely used internet tool to find
the sites that they need to go to or the product or
information they need.

Most people that use search engines use only the ten
top search results in the first page. Making it to the
first page, more so to the top three is a barometer of
a sites success in search engine optimization. You
will get a higher ratio of probability in being
clicked on when you rank high. The more traffic for
your site, the more business you rake in.

But, it is essential to grab a hold of that spot or
make your ranking even better. As I aforementioned,
each day is a new day for all e-commerce sites to
make themselves rank higher using search engine
optimization. It is imperative to make your site
better and better everyday.


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So just what is search engine optimization and do you
have to use it? The answer to why you have to use it
is an easy one.

You need search engine optimization to be number one,
or maybe at least make your site income generating.

With search engine optimization you can get the
benefit of generating a high traffic volume. Let’s
just say you get only a turn out of successful sales
with 10 to 20 percent of your traffic. If you get a
hundred hits or more a day, you get a good turn out of
sales already. If you get only twenty to ten hits a
day, you only get one or two if not any at all.

So once again, what is search engine optimization?
Search engine optimization is utilizing tools and
methods in making your site top ranking in the results
of search engines. Getting yourself in the first page
and better yet in the top half of the page will ensure
that your site will generate public awareness of your
site’s existence and subsequently generate more
traffic, traffic that could lead to potential income
and business.

Search engine optimization requires a lot of work to
be fully realized. There are many aspects you have to
change in your site or add as well to get search
engine optimization. These will include getting lots
of information about the keyword phrases that are
popular in regards to your sites niche or theme.

You may also need to rewrite your sites content so
that you could get the right keyword phrases in your
site without making it too commercial but light and
informative. There are certain rules and guidelines to
be followed with making your site’s content applicable
and conducive to search engine optimization.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Cooking With is a website for people who love
to cook.You will find Old World Style recipes and just some
plain down home cooking. Also offered is the Members
Only ezine, Cooking With Ed Digest. Featuring new
weekly recipes and articles relating to Home, Family,
Health, Gardening, Landscaping and just some plain
old fun. Stop by for a visit. You may just find
something new and good to eat!

Go to

>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<

You will also need to collaborate with many other
sites so that you could get link exchanges and page
transfers. The more inbound and outbound traffic
generated by sites among others are one of the
components search engines uses to rank sites.

Try searching the internet for useful information.
Tips, guidelines and methods for search engine
optimization are abundantly available. Read articles
that can offer advice to help you optimize your site
in the search engine results. The more knowledge and
information you gain the better. This will all help
you in getting those high rankings. This may require a
little time and effort in your part but the benefits
will be well worth the trouble.

If you have a bit of capital to invest, there are many
sites in the internet that can help you with search
engine optimization and, reduce your own personal
labour. There are many sites that help in tracking
keyword phrases that can help your site. There are
also some content writers that have lots of experience
in making good keyword laden content for your sites
while maintaining good quality.

Act now, and see the benefits realized with search
engine optimization. All of these will result to
better traffic and more business for your site and


eAuthorResources NewsLetter © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Subscribers are welcome to re-print our articles
as long as they remain unchanged, with active
links and the following resource box attached.

Mark Sandquist is the Editor of eAuthorResources
NewsLetter. provides
FREE Help and FREE Marketing Software for eBook
Authors, Software Developers and their Affiliates
and Resellers.
Quote Of The Day:

What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first
to do with diligence. - Dr Samuel Johnson


>> Recommended Free Resources

1. The best free list builder we know of:

2. A Really Close Second! For List Building.

3. Sale Flurry – Free Affiliate Management


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Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Using Blogs To Drive Traffic To Your Sites


Today’s Business Tips Article
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Using Blogs To Drive Traffic To Your Sites

One of the most effective methods for driving traffic
to your sites is to use either a site blog or a small
network of blogs. Blogs are superior to regular
website pages when generating traffic for a number of

One reason blogs are superior to normal site pages is
that they are extremely easy to update. All you have
to do is login your account, copy and paste your new
post into the blog interface, and hit update. This
allows you to post an update in a matter of minutes
and move on. Search engines love this because your
content stays fresh and dynamic.

Another reason why blogs are an excellent means
through which to drive traffic to your site is because
they can easily be pinged to directories. This means
that once you make a single post, you can be
instantaneously added to all directories and social
bookmarking sites.

This is an excellent way to get your site spidered by
search engines quickly. If you're listed in a number
of high PR directories, your blog will get spidered –
and your site, product pages, and whatever else you
have linked to will get spidered with it.

Additionally, every single time you post an update,
you will be bumped to the top of your section for the
tags you selected. If you select tags carefully, you
might be able to get a quick surge of traffic – and
then channel that into your product pages or main
site from your blog.

Another good way to drive traffic to your site using
your blogs is to find other blogs in your network (if
you use Blogger) and post comments that include a
signature file. In that signature, include a link to
your blog or your main site.


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>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<

Now here's a great way in which you can generate red
hot traffic with this method is to create multiple
niche blogs, which are each optimized for a single
keyword. Promote them each for that keyword only
– and then find ways to funnel all of that additional
traffic into your site or product page.

Blogging is a concept that started in late 90s. It
used to be a way to comment an existing webpage, an
opportunity for visitors and readers to react or voice
out one’s opinion on the said page. What started as a
single-sentence commentary has evolved into pages of
personal takes on just about anything and everything
under the sun. As it continues to move forward, online
advertising has tapped into the blog’s potential. Here
are 5 reasons why you should use blogging as an
Internet marketing tool.

1.Blogging is simple. The simplest way to get your
piece on the net is through blogging. No skills are
necessary… an average adult can read and type, or at
least click a mouse. It’s like having a virtual piece
of paper and you just write your ideas, experiences,
new products, and hope that the truth behind your
articles comes out and entice your reader to also try
your product. If you have a PC and an Internet
connection (who doesn’t?) then you can blog and

2. Blogging is authentic. In this day and age where
advertising saturates our lives, we question the
credibility of promoters’ claims. However, in blogs,
real people share their real-life experiences,
unscathed by paid advertising. Reading blogs about
first-hand product use is like talking to people about
their first-hand experience. You definitely want to
buy a tried and tested product.

3. Blogging is free. Because blogging is yet to be
proven as a mainstream online advertising media, most
sites see it as something to augment current marketing
tools and thus offer it for free. Any opportunity for
free webtime is definitely a bonus especially to
businesses that are starting up. Needless to say, paid
blog pages can generate more income for your seriously
growing business.

4. Blogging builds credibility. As you get more and
more into writing your experiences on a particular
product or industry, your readers come to realize that
they can depend on your posts for their own
information needs. As such, you become an expert on
it; as a consequence, more readers visit your site and
more bloggers link to your blogs. As companies and
professional organizations notice the growth of your
readership base, they may soon get in touch with you
for advertising on your blog page, or make you an
affiliate, which pays for every referral generated
from your blog site.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Cooking With is a website for people who love
to cook.You will find Old World Style recipes and just some
plain down home cooking. Also offered is the Members
Only ezine, Cooking With Ed Digest. Featuring new
weekly recipes and articles relating to Home, Family,
Health, Gardening, Landscaping and just some plain
old fun. Stop by for a visit. You may just find
something new and good to eat!

Go to

>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<

5. Blogging builds your market. Unless you are a
Hollywood star, chances are, only your Mom reads your
posts. Mom has a lot of friends, so she lets her
friends know how interesting your blog site is. But
you need not depend on Mom to increase your readership
base. Look into the following ways to build your
market through blogging:

-By using your e-mail. Today, blogging is overcoming
the e-mail’s popularity in quickly and effectively
reaching and expanding a market. In this age of speed
and quick access, logging in and downloading e-mail is
simply taking longer than clicking into a blog site.
Let them explore your site by using a short e-mail
message as teaser to your blog site. If your e-mail is
on an entirely different subject, use your e-mail
signature to give a link to the site.

-By using subscription. An easy way to get your
readers e-mail is to give them an opportunity to
subscribe to your blogsite. Keep some exclusive
information for your subscribers to entice readers to
subscribe and give their e-mail address. Just be
responsible in using their e-mail address, as the last
thing you want is a comment on your blog that you are
a spammer.

-By understanding your readers. Conduct a simple
survey for your readers to understand their profile
and advertising preferences. Ask consumers to give you
feedback on a post, an ad link, or a trial that you
shared. In this way, it is like interviewing your
readers without the commitment and intrusion of a
face-to-face interview.

-By joining a blog network –A network of blogs maybe a
collection of blog sites that share the same industry,
interest, readership base, payment mode, etc.
Consumers find credibility and convenience in clicking
one link to several real bloggers about a single
subject. Clearly, more bloggers are better than one.

-By using RSS. RSS is the fastest growing technology
on the Internet today. As such, having RSS feeds to
your blog is definitely another means of generating
awareness for your readership base. Having a variety
of feeds can add interest to your blog site.

Give your business a boost by effectively using
blogging as an Internet marketing tool.


eAuthorResources NewsLetter © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Subscribers are welcome to re-print our articles
as long as they remain unchanged, with active
links and the following resource box attached.
(Advertisements can be edited out and/or replaced)

Mark Sandquist is the Editor of eAuthorResources
NewsLetter. provides
FREE Help and FREE Marketing Software for eBook
Authors, Software Developers and their Affiliates
and Resellers.
Quote Of The Day:

Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative
act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes
everything. - George Lois


>> Recommended Free Resources

1. The best free list builder we know of:

2. A Really Close Second! For List Building.

3. Sale Flurry – Free Affiliate Management


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Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

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