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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Five Ways To Profit From Public Domain Information


Today’s Business Tips Article
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Five Ways To Profit From Public Domain Information

Ever wondered why Walt Disney never got sued for
intellectual property theft?

C’mon, the guy ripped off so many Hans Christian Anderson
and Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales! And he never paid the said
authors any royalty fees! Granted that they’re dead, but
shouldn’t their families be entitled to proceeds from their
works? Such would be a small price to pay, considering the
accumulated wealth of Walt Disney’s billion dollar

But alas, Mr. Walt Disney, you see, is a marketing genius.
He knew how to exploit the allowable usage of public domain
information, and he built for himself an empire in the

And if Walt Disney can do it, so can you! After all, we all
have access to public domain information. We don’t even
need a touch of that famous Disney magic. We just have to
weave our own creative spin on things.

But first, the basics…


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


- 3 day trial membership
- eCover graphics for this months products (not usually included)
- Master resale rights to one of my bestselling products;
"Public Domain Mastermind"

I'll look for you in the member's area:

>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<

Public domain information is defined as any body of creative
works and other knowledge that is not protected by US
copyright laws. Copyright protection needs further
verification, but by force of statute, works done prior to
1923 are public domain information. The law also includes
works done prior to 1978, for as long as the life of the
author plus seventy years does not exceed the current year.

The term “body of creative works and other knowledge”
includes literary works, music, movies, artworks, scientific
ideas, and inventions, just to name a few. So, quite
literally, public domain information is an ocean of many
promises and splendid discoveries for anyone who would
decide to dip their feet in its inviting waters.

And public domain information is free. Everything that
you’ll earn from it is net profit!

Walt Disney made good use of public domain information by
updating old classics into movies for the new, during his
time at least, generation. That was the creative spin he
used to market works that are quite archaic to make them
seem new and fresh. He found his audience, and he made his
fortunes. There’s no reason why you can’t do it.

Ah, budget constraints you say. But we are internet
marketers, dear friend. That’s the beauty of the web, you
see. Seldom do we have to spend a substantial amount to
invest in something. Many avenues are available for us to
make good use of free public domain information!

Here are some ways to use public domain information. They
would surely earn you significant gains!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Discover How to Take Advantage of Public Domain Information
To Send Your Internet BusinessProfits Skyrocketing!

At Last! The Internet's Leading Public DomainExperts Spill Their Guts .
Here's Your Chance toUncover the Secrets Behind Their Success as well
as Learn How You Can Use Those Same Secrets toSucceed Beyond Your
Wildest Dreams!

>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<

1.) Republish old literary works as eBooks. The classics you
see in bookstores are prime examples of earning from public
domain information. The publishers did not have to buy the
rights for the books they have decided to distribute. You
could do the same with eBooks. Search your local library for
old works, and scan them. Convert the images to text with a
text bridge program, edit errors, package them nice in .pdf
format, and you’re all set to market a royalty-free product!

2.) Republish old articles as special reports. Granted that
you’re not likely to find any internet marketing articles
circa 1923, but there are still some interesting pieces from
that era. Just the other day, I saw a person make 43 sales
for a special report he made out of a 1914 article on dog

3.) Make downloadable albums of old songs. Here’s your
chance to make MP3 downloads that are actually legal.
However, please bear in mind that only the songs are free
game. The performances of certain versions (i.e. the London
Philharmonic Orchestra’s version of a Beethoven classic) are
separate copyrights in themselves. It would be best to make
your own version from the public domain compositions.

4.) Offer downloadable movies. Just like Walt Disney, Ted
Turner has made a killing with public domain information.
One of his channels, Turner Classics, shows pre-1923 movies
which he can re-broadcast without having to pay any
royalties. You could do the same by offering old movies for

5.) Make posters of timeless masterpieces. You could also
search the web for high quality images of classic paintings
and sketches. These digitized masterpieces can easily be
reproduced as posters which you could sell to the millions
of art aficionados worldwide.


eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Quote Of The Day:

Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.
- James Bryant Conant


>> Recommended Free Resources

1. Free eBooks Giveaway (while it lasts)

2. Make extra money from your thank you page

3. Advertise your site while doing nothing

Subscribers are welcome to re-print our articles provided that they
remain unchanged, with the following resource box included.

Mark Sandquist is the editor of eAuthorResources NewsLetter. provides free webmaster products, services
and content to online Authors, Publishers, and Marketers. You may view
article archives and subscribe to eAuthorResources NewsLetter at:

Thursday, June 23, 2005

How To Get Multiple Streams Of Infinite Traffic


Today’s B.usiness Tips Article ***EXTRA***
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved


How To Get Multiple Streams Of Infinite Traffic

All online businesses need to get traffic to their websites.
There are all sorts of free traffic systems out there but, it
would be a mistake to rely solely on them without augmenting
with a bit of highly targeted paid for traffic.

Don't take this the wrong way, free traffic is GREAT, and I'm
a staunch advocate of it. The only problem with free t.raffic is
that it is not often targeted in a tight enough focus to garner
short term results. As long as you make sure your free systems
are viral, they will take care of your long term traffic base
as over time, your network of links and clicks will grow.

What I suggest is to combine the best free traffic generators
out there with a bit of paid advertising. Paid advertising
tends to also help create the image of an established, serious

The following list is what I have found to be the best combination
for me:

1) Joining and promoting traffic exchanges

While the intent of traffic exchanges is to get you to surf
other sites to earn surf-back credits to your sites, they almost
all offer credits just for referring new members. So join as
many as you can find and promote the heck out of your affiliate
links to those traffic exchange sites. An effective way to make
this tactic viral is to compile a list of your traffic exchange
affiliate links into an eBook and give it away, and let others give it away.

You can download an example here:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Very recently we advertised to teach 50 people how to getmore referrals
- in a brand new product-driven and profitable business - than they
have ever had in their lives, with any other business or program.

We are absolutely stunned by the level of interest, withpeople enquiring
about our unique training techniques fromall countries of the world. Our
techniques work. Our members are proving this daily. And word gets

We are working with an honest and ethical company, with an
impeccable ten-year offline trading record, providing leading-edge
products that are very much in demand. Best of all we are about to
cash-in with a very l.ucrative p.ayplanboosted by a turnback of 85%
p.rofits to members.

This is the first Internet presence for UltraLife International. This
company has exclusive rights to severalhot products that are super
high in demand. The P.ay Plan issuperb. There is nothing like it
available anywhere.

The month of May was the first full month of this c.ompany'soperation
and already many, many of our "partners" were well into profit for the
June payout. With our expert guidance, you could be into p.rofit in time
for the July p.ayout!

Registration is at no c.ost, so you have nothing to lose.Join us now and
take the superb training that will have yousigning up so many r.eferrals
that your b.usiness will simply take off - and you'll never look back.

Then you can seriously think about giving up your day job!

Sign-up at no c.ost here -

and then email me, Amy Chaple, at and tell methat you
are ready to start building your future. My teamwill help you all of the
way . . . to the top!

Meet You At The Top!!


>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<

2) Writing and submitting articles

This is my primary way of driving traffic to my sites. Articles
can easily be made to be viral, and you can make that work for
you in a big way. If you don't already, you need to start writing articles.

The best plan here is a 300-400 word article related to the theme
of your website, or other business. Make sure to put a resource
box at the end of your article that displays a link to your
website. Submit your article to article submission sites. Just do
a search with the keywords "Article Submission" and you'll find

3) Posting to forums

Visit forums, read posts, and when you see a thread that you can
contribute meaningful content to, post to the forum. Carefuly
choosing a thread topic that you are knowledgable in, will help to
build your credibility with the other users of the forum.

This will generate interest in your website from other readers.
You can usually put a link to your site at the end of your post,
like a signature file. Do not however, just make your post a long
winded sales pitch or you'll be kicked out of the forum. This
is actually considered to be a form of spam.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Get 4 Mailings O.nly $4.97

------------Limited Time Special-----------

1 FREE SOLO AD with every Sponsor Ad Order

>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<

4) Paid eZine ads

This will cost a little bit of money, but it's worth it because
it works, it is the most targeted of all the previous methods.
Write a compelling ad with a link to your newsletter signup
page. Do a search with the keywords “eZine Directories,” this
will produce a pretty good list to get you started.

Compare rates for classifieds, sponsor, and solo ads. If you
can get a good rate, solo ads are the way to go because your ad
goes out all by itself in its own mailing. Make sure that you are
only submitting you’re advertisements to eZines whose theme is
complimentary to your website, or business. There is no sense in
advertising marketing software in a Fly Fishing eZine.

An associate of mine, Amber Jalink, has put together a special
ad deal that you just can NOT miss out on. See the ad at
the end of this article.

eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Quote Of The Day:

Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl
in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.
- Stuart H. Britt


>> Recommended Free Resources

1. Free eBooks Giveaway (while it lasts)

2. Make extra money from your thank you page

3. Advertise your site while doing nothing


Do Your Promotions Pull In The Results You Want?

If not, you'll definitely want to grab this one. An associate
of mine, Amber Jalink, has put together a special a.d d.eal
that you just can NOT miss out on. It's almost insane really,
with her triple-your-m.oney-back g.uarantee. See for yourself
– but you must hurry, because Amber was only willing to let
me o.ffer this to you for the next 7 days. Go now to:

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Are You Ready!?


Supplimentary Issue
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved


So much has happened in the last couple of weeks, I don’t know
where to start.

Sorry if this issue seems a little long. I have lots too cover,
and you’ll want to read all of it. I’ve kept it to as few words
as possible.

There have been so many recent events that I thought it would
be a good idea to issue this supplementary issue to try to sum
it up for you. Here we go, in the order they happened:

1st up, InstantBuzz should be back online by this Tuesday. Mike
Filsaime says all he has to do now is pay the fine.

I actually uninstalled my InstantBuzz toolbar while they’ve
been down, and I’m looking forward to seeing it on my browser

Next, Corey Rudl, of Internet Marketing Centre will be
missed dearly by all of us. He has been an inspiration to me
and most of my m.arketer friends over the years. We all have
learned vital lessons from him and have had many, off the
record, discussions centered around how Corey does things, and
how we can mimic his prowess to further our own enterprises.

Tracy is a rock, as far as I can see it, and with the help of
Derek Gehl, IMC’s CEO, Corey’s customers and affiliates can
rest assured that IMC will continue to be an industry l.eader.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Cody has extended the special price for a few days
longer. You can still get the whole package for the
price of Instant Software Builder alone! I honestly
don’t know how long this will last.

If you haven’t got it yet, go get it now.

>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<

Next, because the summertime is relatively slow here in
cyberspace, you will notice a lot of package deals popping up
here and there. Some of these deals are great o.pportunities
for you too grab up some of the tools you’ve been drooling
over for a fraction of the regular price.

You need to show some restraint though. A few of the packages
that I’ve been notified about leave a little to be desired.
(I’m on so many lists that it takes me at least an hour a day
just to review all the offers I receive. So I pretty much see
them all. And that doesn’t include my safelist listmail boxes).
While huge amounts of products are going for pennies on the
dollar, a lot of them have been around for a long time and are
beginning to lose their, mass sales appeal.

The point I’m trying to make here is that these blowout prices
are going to continue to get more attractive as the products
further saturate the market and get older. Try not to blow all
your money on stuff you really won’t use or be able to sell
in any great volume.

Summertime is also when the heavyweight software developers
unveil their newest innovations. These are things you want to
be saving up for. These you will not find, not normally anyway,
being offered along with a bunch of bonuses to sweeten the deal.
You can be on the cutting edge and get the latest developments in
profit pulling software in summertime, if you know where to look.

You get a bit of a head start by being one of our subscribers
because I’m a bit of a rebel in our internet marketing community.
I tend to get away with it because our readership is but a drop
in the bucket among the thousands of other businesses on the

Sure, I get flak for giving away some of the things that I really
shouldn’t but hey, that’s what I’m here for. That’s why I started
my business. That’s why our readers stay with us. That’s why,
when I do present you with an offer that’s not free, you know
that it is a new, cutting edge product, that you will not find
for free anywhere.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


And its so simple that you can be up and running in less than

5 minutes even if you don't know anything about computers.

Four clicks and you explode your list.

What is it?Just go to:

and find out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<

We have a couple of HUGE new software announcements coming up
in the next couple of days that you won’t want to miss. And yes,
I’m talking about the newest innovations. You know, the kind of
stuff that sends massive screaming crowds of traffic to your
site for free. At least until the Googles and Yahoos catch on
and render the software useless.

That’s right, you didn’t read it wrong. Most of the SEO tactics
and software designed to sort of trick the search engines is only
effective for about a year. By then, the major search engines
get wise and make changes that reduce or eliminate their

That’s why it is so important to get in on this stuff early,
while it is still effective. The normal life cycle of traffic
generating software goes something like this;

- Product launch - $300 software that tricks the search engines
into sending a brand new site 100,000 visitors per month.
Everyone who bought one is realizing weekly sales equal to the
entire past years’ sales. Easily pays for itself in increased
sales volume.

- 4-6 months later – resale rights are released and the product
floods the market. Everyone who bought one in the beginning is
given the opportunity to resell the product before everyone
else. Now they can sell the product at break neck speed with
all the traffic that the product itself is creating, $100-$150.

- 7-10 months after launch – The search engines change their
rules again and the product is barley 10% as effective as it was
at launch. The product starts showing up as a bonus with other
offers. People are giving it away just for signing up to their
list. It’s included on membership sites along with loads of
other has bins. $0-$30.

Now, if you were one of the first buyers, you would be swimming
in traffic and sales that continue for months and years to
come. Your list has grown ten-fold over this period and your
subscribers are some of the successful marketers who grabbed the
resale rights from you when they were first released. You are a
hero to them now, and they can’t wait for the next big thing that
you make available to them.


eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Quote Of The Day:

Talent alone won't make you a success. Neither will being in the
right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most
important question is: "Are your ready?" - Johnny Carson


>> Recommended Free Resources

1. Free eBooks Giveaway (while it lasts)

2. Make extra money from your thank you page

3. Advertise your site while doing nothing


Do Your Promotions Pull In The Results You Want?

If not, you'll definitely want to grab this one. An associate
of mine, Amber Jalink, has put together a special ad deal
that you just can NOT miss out on. It's almost insane really,
with her triple-your-money-back guarantee. See for yourself
– but you must hurry, because Amber was only willing to let
me offer this to you for the next 7 days. Go now to:

Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

P.S. Watch for an email from me in the next couple of days. We
have been beta testing this new software that is just the cat’s
behind, if you know what I mean. It’s brand new, and although we
can’t give it away, we’ll make it a deal you can’t get anywhere
else. I use mine almost every day and I’m already starting to
wonder how I managed without it.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

>>>>>>>>>>>Exclusive Update<<<<<<<<<<<<<


>>>>>>>>>>>>>EXCLUSIVE UPDATE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved __________________________________________________

What A Busy Week!

About InstantBuzz going offline because of one of their
members using s.pam to promote their Four Day Push

It was actually not the FTC who shut them down, it was
their Domain Registrar –, according to
InstantBuzz President and CEO Mike Filsaime. It was that got the s.pam complaints and when they
experienced a delay in confirmation regarding the
s.pam complaints, they took the domain offline.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

GreenZap is now Online

If you are one of the fortunate pre-registered members,
and have been p.romoting your personal p.romo link, log
in to your account now and see all the m.oney you’ve made.
I was pleasantly surprised by my e.arnings. I only made a
few mentions in passing since pre-registering and wow!

If you’re not registered yet, get it now.

>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<>

This is unbelievable, is the only Domain Registrar that I’ve ever heard of that plays S.pam Cop”. Mike Filsaime recommends that if you register your domains with that you make sure that you have no a.ffiliate or email programs associated with those sites.

__________________________________________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Cody Moya’s Software Firesale

1) Instant Software Builder $147 V.alue
2) P.roduct Brander $67 V.alue
3) Power S.ales Letter Generator $67 V.alue

Plus over $6000 in b.onuses. All for O.nly $97 until
midnight tonight. Only 8 hours left as I write this.

After midnight the p.rice goes up. That’s a Firesale.

Don’t miss out, go get it now:

>>>>>>>>>>>>END SPONSOR MESSAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<>

Corey Rudl – If you haven’t heard by now, the LA
Times reported that he was killed in an amateur
automobile racing accident.,1,3734695.story?amp;ctrack=2&coll=la-news-state&amp;amp;cset=true&ctrack=1&cset=true

If you have been into internet m.arketing for any
more than a few days, you’ve undoubtedly heard of
him. Corey was one of my first influences when I
got my start. His Internet M.arketing Centre has
been the starting point of many internet
m.arketers over the years.

Corey achieved his s.uccess by helping others to
fulfill their dreams of e.arning a living online.

Most of us are still coming to terms with his
untimely passing and he will be missed by the
entire internet m.arketing community.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his new bride
and family.

Rest in peace Corey.


eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Quote Of The Day:

Treat people as if they were what they ought to be
and you will help them become what they are capable
of becoming. -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


>> Recommended F.ree Resources

1. F.ree Advertising (while it lasts)

2. Make extra m.oney from your thank you page

3. Advertise your site while you sleep


Imagine What YOU Could Do With Unlimited AccessTo IGR's Rapidly Growing, Fully Searchable Databaseof Exclusively Written, Private Label Articles CoveringOver 40 (Forty!) Of Today's Hottest Niche TopicsClick Here:


Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

Friday, June 03, 2005

Corey Rudl Has Been Killed?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BREAKING NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved __________________________________________________

Corey Rudl Has Been Killed?

This just in... The LA Times is reporting that Corey Rudl of The Internet Marketing Centre has been killed in a tragic amateur automobile racing accident.,1,3734695.story?amp;ctrack=2&coll=la-news-state&amp;amp;amp;cset=true&ctrack=1&cset=true


eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Quote Of The Day:

Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that
faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we
understand it. - Abraham Lincoln


>> Recommended F.ree Resources

1. F.ree Advertising (while it lasts)

2. Make extra m.oney from your thank you page

3. Advertise your site while you sleep


Imagine What YOU Could Do With Unlimited AccessTo IGR's Rapidly
Growing, Fully Searchable Databaseof Exclusively Written, Private Label
Articles CoveringOver 40 (Forty!) Of Today's Hottest Niche TopicsClick Here:


Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Instant Buzz Shut Down By The FTC


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EXCLUSIVE REPORT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Instant Buzz Shut Down By The FTC

It seems that some bonehead p.romoting the Instant Buzz
4 Day Push P.romotion was not following the extensive
training that the Instant Buzz administration provided
to its members prior to the p.romotion’s launch.

This member obviously was using p.romotion tactics that
were in contradiction of the CAN-S.PAM Act (Controlling
the Assault of Non-S.olicited P.ornography And
M.arketing Act) regulations.
CAN-S.PAM Website

Although the Instant Buzz administration had nothing
to do with the violation, it is the entire organization
that suffers the consequences. Including the members
(of which I am one) that depend on Instant Buzz for
effective, traffic generating a.dvertising.

The President and CEO of Instant Buzz, Mike Filsaime,
will be pursuing the perpetrator with legal action
and could be looking at fines up to $11,000.00 for
each s.pam complaint.

It is unclear how long the site will be down due to
this one person’s abuse of email m.arketing but, you
can be sure that Mike will be losing fistfuls of
m.oney over this in addition to any fines levied.

Everyone who is into internet m.arketing should take
this unfortunate event as a wake up call and ensure
that not only you, but your a.ffiliates, d.ownlines
and JV partners are all aware of CAN-S.PAM and how
to comply.

eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved

On a lighter note (but almost as urgent) here are a
couple of reminders about limited time o.pportunities
that I want to make sure that you know about.

If you’ve been an eAuthorResources NewsLetter subscriber
for any length of time, you know that I don’t just
recommend anything. It has to be a truly worthy
p.roduct for me to recommend it to our readers.

So check them out and see if you could use these...


Just a quick update to let you know that the
Introductory S.ale for the Squeeze Page Generator is
ending in less than 24 hours.If you want to take advantage of this chance to get the
one software that can skyrocket your site's conversion
rate and build your list at the same time... with just
one 5 minute modification... you'd better hurry.

Don’t forget this is a Firesale and the countdown is
on for the p.rice to increase.

If you recall I will also be giving you $1200+ b.onus
gifts but only if you pick the package up through
this URL.

If you need to refresh your memory on the $1200+
b.onus gifts I have for you...

Here they are:


If you look at the search results on Google for
competitive keywords you will notice one thing about
all the sites on the first page - they all have
hundreds or even thousands of other sites linking to
them. is currently f.ree but I just heard
rumors that they are planning to start charging for
their service very soon. I am therefore recommending
that all our subscribers sign up for a f.ree account as
soon as possible even if you are not planning to use it
right away. Get it here:


eAuthorResources NewsLetter © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Quote Of The Day:

You are forgiven for your happiness and your successes
only if you generously consent to share them.
- Albert Camus

>> Recommended F.ree Resources

1. F.ree Advertising (while it lasts)

2. Make extra m.oney from your thank you page

3. Advertise your site while you sleep


Imagine What YOU Could Do With Unlimited AccessTo IGR's Rapidly Growing, Fully Searchable Databaseof Exclusively Written, Private Label Articles CoveringOver 40 (Forty!) Of Today's Hottest Niche TopicsClick Here:


Warm Regards,

Mark Sandquist
eAuthorResources Newsletter

Please Take A Few Seconds To Subscribe To
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