“Do You Have What It Takes”?
By BlogMasterB © 2005 All Rights Reserved
There is a question that everyone who is
considering starting an internet business
must ask themselves before they start
to spend there hard earned money and
time on building it.
Do you have what it takes? Most of the
companies out there that sell business
opportunities neglect to qualify the
prospect with this question. It is very
important that you ask yourself this
before spending money on an
Not to discourage you, but regardless of
how easy or how fast the opportunity
seller claims their program is, you can
expect to spend 2-3 years building your
internet business to the point where it
can replace your full time job. Just like
any other business.
You need persistence and patience to
build your business. You have to be
consistent. Most of the opportunities,
even the “turnkey everything is already
set up” ones, require that you follow
specific instructions to the letter, to be
You will have a learning curve. No
matter how much instruction you are
given, you still have to learn it. If
learning was as easy as reading books,
why do we go to schools? One of the
good things about doing business on
the internet is that you can learn by
doing, but it will take time.
To recap, you will need persistence,
patience, and consistency to run your
internet business. So ask yourself now,
before you go any further;
Do You Have What It Takes?
By BlogMasterB © 2005 All Rights Reserved
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